I get a voicemail at work today, it is hubby, he says, 'I need HELP!' and then the line goes dead. So I call back frantically and yell what the hell is wrong?
The toilet in the basement exploded, or rather a piece of pipe inside the top of the toilet exploded, sending water shooting up several feet to the ceiling and downwards to hit the blockage that was there and worse... that someone had used and not said it was not working and.. so not clean water running in a stream through the furnace room, through the family room, into the laundry room and down the drain.. but not before it has soaked carpet.
Is this a Fiend Curse I ask myself? Fellow Bengal rescuer Fabulous Lorraine has a terrific blog and she does not have Friends, she has Fiends of which I am one. And lately Lorraine has not had the greatest of luck in her house either. Seems I must do an Avert Spell here on All Hallows Eve, and prevent further exploding toilets and further damage to the Fiends.
It is a bit late for this Halloween, but Lorraine has a great line of T Shirts currently selling that will directly benefit Great Lakes Bengal Rescue. With the economy having tanked, most of you will have read the terrible effects on pets and we barely have enough foster homes to cope and due to a lot of medical attention needed recently we need donations too. Please go to www.greatlakesbengalrescue.com to learn about our beautiful Bengals and see how you can help with fostering, adoption or donations. I just bought one of the shirts too, a pic of Lorraines eyeball with bats flying over it.. it is SO COOL. Follow this link and see.. maybe you might buy one too or a hoodie or something. Great Lakes Bengal Rescue get money and you get one of the coolest shirts on the planet for next Halloween! Go here:
Watch out for Halloween Pack Photos.
Oh Fods yes, please do a avert spell. None of us need more bad luck. And as far as bad luck goes - ewww...yours is a winner.
IS your carpet recoverable?
Hi Dragonsally! Glad to know someone other than friends and family read this. Hubby said the carpet is going to be ok and it isn't ruined.. would like to find out what kind it is.. it has had a LOT thrown at it.
Thank goodness for that. I'm guessing there is a lot of wet carpet smell about though, which is never nice
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