It went like this....
This morning I walked by the cat room and there were Sakura and Mars on their beds on top of the cat cage just rolling around and attacking each other. They looked so cute I called hubby over to see them. There is Sakura on her side with her paws up and her ears laid back against Mars ready to just pounce on her. Hubby walked over to pet them both, just at a nice height for him to do that and then he said... 'You know.. you might as well call that lady and tell her we are going to keep him. I just don't think we can take him away from her.' Carefully, because remember this was NOT my idea I said.. 'really?' The tall dark one followed me into the living room and he says, 'I just don't think I want to deal with the fallout if we take him away from her,' He said this several times.. hands spread.. palms up.. appealing for my understanding. I replied. 'Nor do I'. He then said.. 'I mean.. we have a pack.. so we might as well have a pride too.' And the deal was sealed.
So Sakura gets her man and she will live happily ever after with him. She is 2 years old, he is 3 years old. She is chunky but a gorgeous princess, he is tall and lean, strong and handsome.. hmm.. like another pairing I know. Princess Sakura gets her dashing Prince. A Happy Ending.
But not Mars.. he needs a new name... anybody?? The boys like Aries.. I like Mischa.. anyone else?
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