Monday, October 19, 2009

Flight of the Dark One

Okay folks tonight I am OUT of photos BUT do not be despair, sometimes imagination is better.

Last night unbeknownst to me (I think that is Shakespeare). The Tall Dark One went hunting for coolant for my car in his trunk (boot for my English family members). So he took out Sakura's stroller from the Petsmart trip and laid it down behind the car and... left it there.. all night. You now have 2 possible endings to choose from:

a) The stroller was stolen and I punched the Dark One for his carelessness thus sending him flying.


b) The Truth.

Because let's face it, I might be big but I am nowhere near strong enough or tall enough to land one on the tall dark one and even if I could? I sure as hell can't run that fast!!

So. The truth is hubby left for work at 5:30 a.m. and it was dark and having totally forgotten the stroller the Dark One tripped over said stroller and went flying... UNgracefully I would imagine. Unfortunately guys I do not have video.. I wish I did!

One thing also to know about the Dark One is that he laughs when he is in pain, and the greater the pain the more he laughs. When he appeared and began telling me what happened, stroller in one hand, coffee cup in the other.. and a limp.. he was giggling. And before I knew it I was giggling too, it is hard to commiserate when you are giggling.

Tonight the Dark One is not giggling, he is extremely sore with a horribly banged up knee and very grouchy.. poor love.

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